As far as I can remember, I've always had a Sony point and shoot camera. That is, until a couple of friends of mine introduced me to the IXUS. Don't get me wrong, Sony is a fine piece of work but I found their point and shoot to be too slow for my taste.
I'm not an expert so I can't really relay to you the aspects why I prefer a Canon over a Sony P&S . . . either way, I wanted one of the darn things.
Until over our summer vacation, my dear sweet and generous Tita surprised each of us with a Canon IXY 25 IS!!! Thanks Tita!!!
I am totally loving this little guy! Here are a couple of shots I got during a trip to Japan (with a bit of cropping and a tad post-editing :-)
We've been to so many Japanese restaurants over a span of 10 days I couldn't keep track of the names! After being stuffed up to my neck, I was ready to crash from carb overload so I amused myself by taking some photos of our yummy dinner.The lighting in the restaurant was quite poor, although I did try and increase my ISO. I still think the shots are over exposed, I had wanted to capture more detail of the bowl of rice.
During our stay in Tokyo, as we were taking a tour around Ginza we happened upon a rally. There were children, yuppies, senior citizens, so much people! And what were they rallying for? According to Yuzo-San, our tour guide, it was in support of Article 9, the Peace Constitution.
I got teary eyed when Yuzo-san gave a short recount of the Article and we were in the thick of it. With Korea and China armed with weapons up to the yinyang, there were supposedly those who wanted to abolish Article 9 to protect their homeland.
You see, Article 9 prohibits the use of military force as a means to settle disputes, international disputes in particular. I had the impulse to run down the bus and join them.These people were not rallying for some mundane thing, this was PEACE! I failed to capture the lolo's and lola's who were in the protest as well, I was too busy waving at them :-)
I want the understanding which bringeth peace.
- Helen Keller
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